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The person behind the artist Vingard is the Danish singer songwriter Tine Vingaard. Since she was nine years old, she has written songs focusing on universal emotions. Vingard is the voice behind the modern folk songs, and with her rich voice and vulnerable lyrics she masters the Americana genre at its best. At the age of 15 she had her break through when the German feature film “Einer Wie Bruno” used one of her songs as their film score. A huge chance, which opened a lot of opportunities for Vingard who afterwards has toured in Germany, collaborated with great producers and has been booked for several big concerts in Denmark. Playing live shows constitutes the main motive for Vingard, and she provides the audience with an opportunity to be drawn into and through an honest and heartfelt journey. Due to her powerful performance on stage she won the Danish Battle of the Bands 2021. Her releases have gained national radio airplay and with more than one live television broadcast she has consolidated herself as an artist in the Danish music scene.

Rola Music
Gonza Gravano - Mallwitz

Rola Music
Eva Oswald


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Vingard Tour Dates
