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/Artists/Jordan Klassen

When Jordan Klassen set out to write his seventh full-length record, Glossolalia, he tapped into a new creative well. In the midst of recording the record, he found himself continuing to write, coming away from the process with two distinct yet complementary bodies of work. Marginalia now rounds out the collection from this period. The Vancouver based singer-songwriter and producer composedGlossolalia mostly with guitar, creating a subtly blossoming record that perhaps nailed his “fairy folk for troubled times” approach better than ever before. The arrangements on Glossolalia were reduced to the bare essentials to support Klassen’s voice with minimal production. While troubles are not a thing of the past, times are now different, and thus, Marginalia is the other side of the musical coin. It is smoother, fuller, and more elegant than its predecessor.

Pressekontakt & Booking: 
Rola Music
Zdravko Rokko Konrad


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Jordan Klassen Tour Dates

07/09/2024Jordan KlassenViennaHaus der Musik
10/09/2024Jordan KlassenZurichX-Tra Musikcafe
11/09/2024Jordan KlassenChurWerkstatt Chur
12/09/2024Jordan KlassenBernGaskessel
13/09/2024Jordan KlassenBaselParterre One
14/09/2024Jordan KlassenMunichMilla Club
15/09/2024Jordan KlassenKasselTheaterstübchen
17/09/2024Jordan KlassenMünsterPension Schmidt
18/09/2024Jordan KlassenFrankfurt am MainPonyhof
19/09/2024Jordan KlassenRotterdamV11
20/09/2024Jordan KlassenUtrechtTivoliVredenburg
22/09/2024Jordan KlassenHusumSpeicher
25/09/2024Jordan KlassenSønderborgSønderborghus
26/09/2024Jordan KlassenHamburgKnust
27/09/2024Jordan KlassenBerlinPrivatclub
28/09/2024Jordan KlassenBremenKito