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/Artists/Ciao Lucifer

Ciao Lucifer is an indie twopiece from Amsterdam with an infectious feel good energy. Their lives how combines precise popsongs with highly danceable grooves and quirky humor. Eventhough it’s all played live with just a guitarist and a drummer, the sound of the band is as completeasany. The duo create a continuous flow of energy by interconnecting songs and coming up with fun and inventive ways of involving the crowd with the show. The groove always comes first. The name Ciao Lucifer comes from the fact that Marnix and Willem deal with hardships through making music. They turn their demons into upbeat and cheer fulsongs to bring some extrapositivity into this world. The darker motives behind the happy vibes never fail to resonate with their very loyal fanbase.

Rola Music
Zdravko Konrad


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Ciao Lucifer Tour Dates

06/02/2025Ciao LuciferLeipzigNeues Schauspiel
07/02/2025Ciao LuciferChemnitzWeltecho
08/02/2025Ciao LuciferMunichLost Weekend
10/02/2025Ciao LuciferBambergLive Club
11/02/2025Ciao LuciferFrankfurtPonyhof
12/02/2025Ciao LuciferDarmstadtFrischzelle
13/02/2025Ciao LuciferRheineHypothalamus
14/02/2025Ciao LuciferBremenDie Zentrale
15/02/2025Ciao LuciferBerlinMonarch
18/02/2025Ciao LuciferHannoverHölderlin
19/02/2025Ciao LuciferHamburgKnust
20/02/2025Ciao LuciferKopenhagenRahuset
21/02/2025Ciao LuciferHusumSpeicher
25/02/2025Ciao LuciferViennaThe Loft Keller
28/02/2025Ciao LuciferSteyrRöda
01/03/2025Ciao LuciferWeimarKasseturm