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/Artists/John Lensing

John Lensing (US) started out as a street performer, writing songs and drivingaround to play them for strangers. Slowly, this grew into playing shows andfestivals, but the goal has always been the same: to make people care—aboutothers, themselves, and things that sometimes hurt to care about. His emotionalsongs has been streamed over 500,000 times on Spotify alone.The Portland-based artist stumbled upon street performing eight years ago.Backpacking Germany, Lensing found people introducing themselves and openingup to him. All he had to do was play his guitar and sing. He began to learn howcontagious vulnerability can be.His intimate performances have brought him on tours all across North America andEurope. Most notably playing a Sofar Sounds showcase at the Sommer in AltonaFestival (Hamburg), and the Underground Music Showcase (Denver). He hasshared stages with artists like Matthew Fowler, Corey Kilgannon, and has beennamed “an artist to watch” by folk magazine No Depression.Lensing’s debut album The Weight of the Love was released in early 2024. The 27year old’s album centers on ideas of love, masculinity, queerness, andsomatic healing. This album was produced by Andy D. Park (Noah Gundersen) andWilliam IV Smith (Corey Kilgannon), building worlds around some songs, andstripping others back to raw piano and vocals. The constant thread is alwaysLensing’s honesty and emotional vulnerability.

Pressekontakt & Booking: 
Rola Music
Zdravko Rokko Konrad


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John Lensing Tour Dates
