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/Artists/Digital Carbs

From the solo beginnings of bassist and singer Johannes Rest, Digital Carbs has become the insider tip of the Munich alt-rock scene. Their debut album "Are We Taking It Slowly," released in 2022, recently reached the milestone of over 100,000 streams on Spotify. It didn't take long for the Munich indie label "Schaufel & Besen Records" to take notice and sign the band. Together, they released the EP "Conform Deform" on December 14, 2023.
After this release, the band wasted no time and immediately began producing a follow-up EP. Sound-wise, the group presents themselves on their new work more dynamic than ever: from darkly beautiful acoustic ballads to manic-driving guitar storms, the musicians don’t hold back. While the songs couldn't be more diverse, they are united by a common motif: the feeling of helplessness in the face of the current global situation. Digital Carbs once again prove their versatility and their ability to transform deep emotions into captivating music. The release of their new EP will be accompanied by an international tour, with concert dates in Germany and

Rola Music
Zdravko Konrad

Rola Music
Eva Oswald


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Digital Carbs Tour Dates

01/08/2024Digital CarbsUlmStürmt die Burg