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/Artists/Naama Guggenheim

The globally hugged singer-songwriter is a unique presence in the music industry. Aspiring to grow her own musicality Naama immersed herself in the sounds of Gospel, Classical music, Soul and Rock and developed her unique writing style through the voice and guitar.
Naama and her exquisite team have found an inspiring combination of a soulful voice, catchy melodies and profound lyrics followed by an electronic beat. The Tel Aviv based artist has toured Switzerland, created worldly collaborations, made it to global playlists and radio plays. Her live performance is an emotional and moving show, both for the body and the mind.
Born in Bern, raised in both Cleveland and the suburbs of Tel Aviv, she spent her early teen years as a part of The Shaker heights High School Grammy award winning choir on various stages, The Vatican amongst them.
Naama released her intriguing debut album 90% in 2021 and managed to keep a global mind even throughout the pandemic. The songs were written, produced and recorded in different parts of the world. “Carrie & Big” was written in Tel Aviv, produced via zoom, recorded in Zurich, and filmed with a Brazilian dancer. “My Lucky Day” was written in Australia, “Lucille” was written for two Jerusalem based dancers, “Dilemma” was recorded with Ethiopian, Congolese and Arab Choir members and “Men” was a collaboration with the Druze rapper, Tapash. There’s a lot to look forward to in the upcoming months of 2022-2023.
Naama Guggenheim’s vocals, songwriting and production sends the listener for an emotional ride across personal experiences, feminist roots, independence, self love and unity.

Press & Booking: 
Rola Music
Zdravko Rokko Konrad


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Naama Guggenheim Tour Dates

24/10/2024Naama GuggenheimMunich25h Hotel
25/10/2024Naama GuggenheimPlauenMalzhaus
26/10/2024Naama GuggenheimOffenbachHafen 2
27/10/2024Naama GuggenheimKuselKinett
29/10/2024Naama GuggenheimStuttgartGalao
30/10/2024Naama GuggenheimOltenCielonoveno
31/10/2024Naama GuggenheimBaselAtlantis
02/11/2024Naama GuggenheimBarberazBrin de Zinc
04/11/2024Naama GuggenheimAachenDomkeller
05/11/2024Naama GuggenheimHannoverHölderlin Eins
06/11/2024Naama GuggenheimSonderborgSonderborghus
08/11/2024Naama GuggenheimBordersholmSavoy
09/11/2024Naama GuggenheimHamburg25h Hotel
12/11/2024Naama GuggenheimNorderstedtKulturwerk am See
13/11/2024Naama GuggenheimKielHansa 48
14/11/2024Naama GuggenheimGöttingenDots
15/11/2024Naama GuggenheimMagdeburgVolksbad
16/11/2024Naama GuggenheimBerlinKulturbrauerei