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Vocal powerhouse, songwriter, and visual producer Garth., is a Brooklyn based performer with a catalog now boasting over 5million streams on Spotify. A rare talent whose multifaceted studio projects are only rivaled by his electrifying live performances, Garth. has commanded stages throughout North America and Europe since his debut in 2018.
Garth.’s latest musical offering, Coronation, is a refreshingly nostalgic celebration of80’s, 90’s and new millennium R&B. Created in partnership with CaleHawkins(credits include Quincy Jones, Charli XCX, Natasha Bedingfield),Coronation playfully twists through narratives of selflove, earnest heartbreak andevery feeling in between-all while paying sonic homage to music titans like Bilal,Mariah Carey and Prince.

Rola Music
Zdravko Konrad


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Garth. Tour Dates
