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/Artists/Early James

Alabama's native son, Early James, released his sophomore album, Strange Time To Be Alive, on August 19th, 2022. The lyrical wordsmith conjures the ghosts of great southern gothic writers from Eudora Welty to William Faulkner, while channeling the haunted spirits of Tom Waits and Townes Van Zandt. The album evokes a timeless amalgam of forsaken blues, wistful folk, and Tin Pan Alley crooning, anchored by the singer’s unmistakable voice that sways from gravel-filled shouts to pained, forlorn whispers – and songs that tread in the waters of darkly themed broken hearts, with the wry humor of the sad clown.

“James accented his outré, Tom Waits-ian compositions and signature gruff croon with knotty bursts of electric guitar and surprising melodic changes to complement his lyrics. He also touches on more worldly topics, from online discourse to religious violence, then shakes his head at the misfortune of being present for the chaos in the title track.”- Rolling Stone

"Similar to other Easy Eye label artists, James’ eclectic approach is brilliantly idiosyncratic. No one sounds like him. Or even comes close." - American Songwriter

“Perhaps Early James can recall such inspirations as Waits, but the way he assembles American myths and music has an idiosyncratic signature that only sounds stronger and more authoritative with repeat listens.” - AllMusic

Press & Booking: 
Rola Music
Zdravko Rokko Konrad


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Early James Tour Dates

02/11/2024Early JamesGroningenTake Root Festival
03/11/2024Early JamesBreda Podium Phoenix
04/11/2024Early JamesEindhovenAmericana Mondays
06/11/2024Early JamesGrevenbroichKultus
12/11/2024Early JamesParis Supersonic Records
13/11/2024Early JamesFrankfurtDas Bett
14/11/2024Early JamesStyerRöda
15/11/2024Early JamesViennaChelsea
16/11/2024Early JamesŠumperkBlues Alive Festival
18/11/2024Early JamesHalle/SaaleObjekt 5
19/11/2024Early JamesHannoverHölderlin Eins
20/11/2024Early JamesBerlinCassiopeia
21/11/2024Early JamesHamburgheadCRASH
22/11/2024Early JamesSønderborgSonderborghus
23/11/2024Early JamesKopenhagenLoppen