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/Artists/ Three for Silver

Three For Silver, the ever-mutating project of virtuoso Lucas Warford, is back with a new sound and a new line up. Started in 2013 in Portland, OR, Three For Silver has released five albums, toured all over the world, and never stopped evolving. Their upcoming album, “Modern Man”, will see the band fully embracing their eclectic side as tracks veer from bass shredding sea shanties to classic americana to folk metal ballads with weirder stops along the way.
In that same spirit of the new, the band is bringing a drummer out on the road for the first time ever, presenting a heavier, shreddier, groovier sound than ever before. This band will be grooving and grinding all over central Europe from March to April in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and other countries.
In power trio format, Lucas Warford leads the charge with his bass and mandolin, featuring Bex Beloved on violin and vocals, and Mark Powers on the drums.
Though the new album is not slated for wide release till later in 2024, they will be selling physical copies exclusively at these European spring shows. Fans’ only chance to hear it, for now!
For aficionados of Tom Waits, Primus, Nick Cave, and all the old Americana that runs towards the dark and unsettled, Three For Silver represents the new generation of that sound, and throws down a thunderous gauntlet of virtuoso musicianship, darkly beautiful songwriting, and carnival theatrics.

Press & Booking: 
Rola Music
Zdravko Rokko Konrad

Website | Facebook  | Instagram | Spotify


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Three for Silver Tour Dates

01/03/2024Three For SilverLandeckAltes Kino
02/03/2024Three For SilverÖblarnKu:L
05/03/2024Three For SilverSalzburgZAZIbar
08/03/2024Three For SilverBerlinSupamolly
09/03/2024Three For SilverBremenSchule 21
11/03/2024Three For SilverAachenDomkeller
12/03/2024Three For SilverHannoverHölderlin Eins
13/03/2024Three For SilverHamburgKnust
14/03/2024Three For SilverChemnitzWeltecho
15/03/2024Three For SilverLeipzigBandhaus
16/03/2024Three For SilverPlauenMalzhaus
17/03/2024Three For SilverTepliceTepJazz
18/03/2024Three For SilverBrnoThe Old Bakery
20/03/2024Three For SilverPirmasensSalon Schmitt
21/03/2024Three For SilverFreiburg i. BreisgauVorderhaus
22/03/2024Three For SilverLörrachNellie Nashorn
23/03/2024Three For SilverStuttgartClub CANN
25/03/2024Three For SilverBarberazBrin de Zinc
28/03/2024Three For SilverBielCafé du Commerce
29/03/2024Three For SilverSaarbrückenTerminus
30/03/2024Three For SilverKielHansa48
03/04/2024Three For SilverHelsingorKulturværftet
05/04/2024Three For SilverLessinesCultureel Centrum René Magritte
06/04/2024Three For SilverAntwerpenDjingel Djangel
08/04/2024Three For SilverKronachStruwwelpeter
09/04/2024Three For SilverDürenKOMM
12/04/2024Three For SilverWienSargfabrik
13/04/2024Three For SilverMünchenLost Weekend
06/11/2024Three For SilverDornbirnEngel
07/11/2024Three For Silver IsnyReflektorium
08/11/2024Three For SilverRiedKiK
09/11/2024Three For SilverLeitersdorfRoter Gugl
13/11/2024Three For SilverInnsbruckTreibhaus
14/11/2024Three For SilverŠumperkBlues Alive Festival
15/11/2024Three For SilverBojkoviceClub Majak
16/11/2024Three For SilverOstravaCsky Tresin
17/11/2024Three For SilverBohumínKino
19/11/2024Three For SilverPragueJazzDock
20/11/2024Three For SilverBroumovMonastery
21/11/2024Three For SilverKrásná Lípa u RumburkaPivovar
22/11/2024Three For SilverZnojmoClub na Vecnosti
23/11/2024Three For SilverMikulovClub Hasicka
24/11/2024Three For SilverBrnoOld Bakery
26/11/2024Three For SilverHannoverCafe Glocksee
27/11/2024Three For SilverGöttingenDots
28/11/2024Three For SilverKielKulturraum Leuchtturm
29/11/2024Three For SilverWeimarMonami
30/11/2024Three For SilverHoyerswerdaKufa
01/12/2024Three For SilverBergneustadtSchauspielhaus
03/12/2024Three For SilverDillenburgZum Schwan
04/12/2024Three For SilverEindhovenRozenknopje
06/12/2024Three For SilverInnenstadtStereo Wonderland
07/12/2024Three For SilverInnenstadtStereo Wonderland
09/12/2024Three For SilverBochumBastion
10/12/2024Three For SilverLübeckTonfink
11/12/2024Three For SilverHamburgheadCRASH
12/12/2024Three For SilverSønderborgSonderborghus
13/12/2024Three For SilverBerlinKulturhaus Insel
14/12/2024Three For SilverDresdenJazzclub Tonne