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/Artists/King Dream

King Dream (US) is an indie psych-rock project by songwriter Jeremy Lyon.

With their new single "Golden Shore", they skillfully mix the genres of bedroom R&B and pysch-rock.

"Golden Shore" is the third single from their latest album "Glory Daze V", which was released on January 19, 2024.

The band hails from Oakland, Bay Area, where songwriter & frontman Jeremy Lyon has long since made a name for himself. His music is united by his love of American rock masters like Bruce Springsteen and Tom Petty, as well as 60s West Coast psychedelia and newer bands like My Morning Jacket and The War on Drugs.

The team around KING DREAM is top-class, including producers and mixing engineers from the likes of Coldplay, John Mayer and Macy Gray. And you can hear that. The best song is useless if it has not been optimally produced and mixed. Because only then can the song fly. And KING DREAM have simply done everything right with "The Wild Card".

Rola Music
Gonza Gravano - Mallwitz

Rola Music
Eva Oswald


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King Dream Tour Dates

29/05/2024King DreamWienB72
31/05/2024King DreamSaarbrückenTerminus
01/06/2024King DreamBerlinBar Bobu
02/06/2024King DreamKasselTheaterstübchen
07/06/2024King DreamParisSupersonic